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It's been a long time since we've covered sports titles non ha pubblicato ancora nulla
Data dinizio 03/15/21 - 06:00
Data di fine 03/31/21 - 14:00
  • Descrizione

    NBA 2K21 brings a massive leap

    It's been a long time since we've covered sports titles in Digital Foundry, but with the advent of NBA 2K21 about the new wave of consoles, we're seeing something genuinely intriguing here, using a proper generational jump in fidelity across the board. To illustrate that, we took a look at the game mostly on PlayStation 5 and PS4 Pro, but we also spent a while with the Xbox Series consoles. While it may not seem this way on the surface, sports matches are - from what I could tell - one of the more difficult genres to work on. Truncated development schedules need yearly admissions in each series, meaning less time between each launch but more than this, these matches have to match up to some properly'real' encounter, often delivered with a TV-like presentation. A game such as NBA 2K21 needs to take care of real people in real places performing complicated, interlinking actions. If you are off by even a hair, then you're diving straight into the uncanny valley.

    So what makes this so difficult? Well, nailing down the player and arenas likenesses is a massive part of the equation but it's the motion which makes this difficult. Developer Visual Concepts - whose work on this particular franchise dates all the way back to the Dreamcast age - is doing some great work here. While it's easy enough to spot the imperfections in the visuals, even in the event that you just allow the game clean over you, it actually starts to look unbelievably authentic in action. When firing cylinders, it truly does look like a basketball.NBA 2K21 includes a vast roster of players out of present NBA athletes to legends from the past. By and large, the quality of the rendering of each player is of high quality. Players look around the courtroom and respond to plays in real-time. It's not perfect, because there is a hint of the dead eyes' effect, but it's solid. Much like last-gen variations, 2K21 uses a fabric simulation for toddlers too - because you move around the court, the fabric flows and responds realistically.

    However, the next-gen difference is delivered in many ways, particularly concerning materials, shading, and lighting. Primarily, dependent on the side-by-side comparisons, skin receives a significant boost to the specular layer allowing surrounding lights to realistically play its surface. The players just appear more realistic this time around as a consequence of this shift, to the point where perspiration accumulates on the characters the harder they work. All of this really brings the players .

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